ANT 7 "Time Traveling"
Time traveling is when you try to re-live past unpleasant events or second-guess previous choices you or someone else made.
You may use phrases like, "If only...could'a, should'a, would'a"
REALITY CHECK: Time travel has not been invented yet so no one can travel back in time and make different choices or undo what has already occurred. Since we can't change the past, all we can do is try to make better choices today and forgive those who've wronged us in the past. And when we make wiser, more prudent choices today, and forgive others for the past, it not only helps us atone for our previous mistakes or poor choices, it frees us of the burdent of holding grudges and gives us more hope for the future, and then we'll spend a lot less time second-guessing our past.
Here's a few good ol' cliches:
Yesterday is already a memory; Tomorrow is only a dream; but Today, well lived, makes every Yesterday a happy memory, and every Tomorrow a hope filled dream.
Commit the Past to God's mercy and forgiveness, and the Future to God's providencial care, and be thankful for the Present which God has given you.
"For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" — Jesus (Mark 8:36)
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