You've probably thought it's strange that I would post a series of articles on the need for repentance and salvation before Christmas. But the Advent Season celebrated during the four weeks before Christmas is kind of a miniature Lent (the 40 days preceding Easter). It's a time to prepare for the coming of Christ when God became human in order to save the human race.
We're living in a difficult time in history when violence, terrorism, war, famine, natural disasters, social unrest, and moral decline are changing our world's landscape. It seems that peace on earth and good will towards men has become a thing of the past. One only need to watch the evening news, drive out on the highways, or navigate through the shopping mall parking lots to see this. Our world is going to Hell in a hand-basket!
As much as we may complain about it, we can't force the rest of the world to behave well and treat others with love and kindness. The only thing we can do is to work at changing ourselves for the better. When we start becoming better people, the world starts to become better (one person at a time).
In a spiritual sense, think about one aspect of your life you'd like to change? Are you enslaved to bad habits? Are you addicted to something? Is there something in your life that's dragging you down? Ask God for a present this year for Christmas; ask God to free you from the slavery of sin! Because this is why Christ came into the world in order to save us.
"For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" — Jesus (Mark 8:36)
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